The Last Rhinoceros in Preanger (West Java) – A Collection in Zoology Museum
The word rhinoceros is a combination of rhino (means nose) and ceros (means horn). The Javan Rhino has one horn. In 1914 only one rhinoceros was left in the district Karangnunggal, Tasikmalaya, West Java. The female has been killed in that year by poachers. As the old male could not reach his relatives on Ujungkulon Nature Reserve, the Dutch government decided to collect it for the Museum Zoologicum at Bogor (now it is Zoology Museum) before illegal bullet could make lost to science. This specimen was killed with one Mauser bullet caliber 9.3 in 1934, its weight was 2280 kg.
The rhino’s food consist of leaves, root, grasses and branches. They breed very slowly and difficult, with a single young. The rhinos are the most protected animals in the world.