Indonesia Tourism Growth in the First Semester of 2015

In the first semester of 2015, Indonesia welcomed more than 5.47 million foreign tourists. Indonesia got positive growth of up to 3.86 percent in January-May or 2.69 percent in January-July compared to last year. According to data from Biro Pusat Statistik (Indonesian statistic agency), the highest growth of foreign nationals visiting the country in July,… Read more

White Bengal Tigers

Bengal tiger is origin to India. They can also be found in their population in Bangladesh, China, and Myanmar. Beside of those countries, you can also find bengal tigers in Taman Safari Cisarua (Safari Park). There are two type of this tiger. The first one has yellow color with dark stripes, and the second one… Read more

Laksamana Cheng Ho (Zheng He)

Cheng Ho (1371 – 1436) was a mariner and diplomat from China during Ming Dinasty. He led 7 expedition to the south was with thousands of seamen. He presented gifts of gold, silver, silk, and porcelain to the world. In return, he brought jewelries, zebras, giraffes, etc. to China. The expeditions successfully established trading connections… Read more

Kota Tua Jakarta Dinominasikan sebagai World Heritage Site

Kota Tua Jakarta atau old town Batavia telah resmi ditetapkan UNESCO sebagai nominasi warisan budaya dunia atau World Heritage Site. Tentunya hal ini merupakan kabar gembira bagi kita semua. Namun kita semua jangan terlena karena statusnya masih nominasi. Diharapkan masyarakat dan pengunjung untuk tetap berkreasi, menjaga kelestarian, dan kebersihannya. Kata Menteri Pariwisata, Arif Yahya, “Jika… Read more

Koleksi Museum Tekstil Jakarta

Museum Tekstil adalah salah satu museum terbaik di Jakarta. Museum ii terletak di Jalan Aipda KS. Tubun Nomor 2-4, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Petamburan, Jakarta Pusat. Sejak pertama kali dibuka untuk umum oleh ibu Tien Soeharto pada tanggal 28 Juni 1976, koleksi benda-benda berharga terus ditingkatkan. Hingga saat ini, tak kurang sejumlah 2.350 koleksi sudah dikumpulkan.… Read more